valentine's day

  • Is Your Valentine's Day Chocolate Laced with Lead?

    California-based consumer watchdog organization As You Sow has accused several big-name candy companies of manufacturing products that contain high levels of lead and cadmium. Chew on that while you're sucking on your truffles today.

  • Nothing Says 'I Love You' Like a Chocolate Anus

    With Valentine's Day just around the corner, you're probably racking your brain for the perfect gift for bae. London artist Magnus Irvin has you covered with the Edible Anus, a petite pucker cast in pure Belgian chocolate.

  • China's Peach Panties Creator Thinks Most Fruit Are Sexy Butts

    Nanjing, China-based company Fruithunters can’t keep up with demand for their thong-bearing fruit items. We spoke to the company's boss, Yao Xiao Yang, about the literary inspirations behind his vitamin-rich, panty-clad fruity, juicy butts.